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Discover the Future of Sustainable Living with Our Ecological Modular Houses

We are excited to introduce our latest innovation in sustainable housing: Ecological Modular Houses. As advocates for environmentally conscious living, we are proud to present a housing solution that harmonizes modern living with nature.


Our Ecological Modular Houses are more than just homes; they are a testimonial to our commitment to a healthier planet. These houses are designed with sustainability at the forefront, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and eco-friendly materials to minimize their environmental footprint.


    1. Modular Flexibility: Our modular construction allows for a range of customizable layouts to suit your needs, making the most of available space while minimizing waste.

    2. Energy Efficiency: With advanced insulation and energy-efficient systems, our houses reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.

    3. Renewable Energy Integration: Harness the power of the sun with optional solar panel installations to generate clean, renewable energy for your home.

    4. Sustainable Materials: We prioritize products from sustainable brands, and our steel frames and Liune Doors come with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Notably, some steel components are crafted from Lundell ZERO steel, known for its recycled content.

Sound insulation: 46 - 61 dB

Aulis Lundell Termoprofiles ensure excellent thermal insulation

U-values: 0.15 - 0.19 W/m²K depending on panel thickness


Imagine waking up in a home that blends seamlessly with its surroundings, offering comfort without compromise. Our Ecological Modular Houses provide just that – a haven where sustainability meets style, where innovation meets livability.

Design by Enzo architecten


We invite you to take part in shaping a more sustainable future. By choosing our Ecological Modular Houses, you're not just buying a home; you're investing in a greener lifestyle for yourself and future generations.

Ready to explore a new way of living? Contact us today to learn more about our Ecological Modular Houses and how they can become your dream home while leaving a positive impact on the planet.

Thank you for your dedication to a better world.

Contact Us:

X-MOD Modular Buildings (Benelux Region)
Edzo Bosma
Tel. +31 6 5105 4280
E-mail: edzo.bosma@aulislundell.com

Modular Building Brochures

LUNDELL X MOD Modular Apartments

Modular apartments

LUNDELL X MOD Leisure and Tiny houses

Modular tiny houses